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Around Central Ohio

What Customers Are Saying

  • “The Lake County Engineer's Office has been using the cold In-place recycling process on roadways since 2010 with great success. We use this roadway maintenance tool on roads that needs a structural base (with a Pavement Condition Rating under 60) rather than a mill/fill type resurfacing project.  We find this is an economical way of providing a good asphalt base foundation using the existing material; compared to milling off at least 9" of existing asphalt material and replacing it with new asphalt.  The user should make sure the structure problem is not due to poor subgrade.  This should be investigated along with developing a mix design for the project.”

    Ted Galuschik, PE

    Maintenance/Highway Engineer, Lake County

  • “I have been specifying Single Pass Recycling of asphalt streets for our municipal clients for the past 25 years.  The process is efficient and cost effective with minimal traffic maintenance required.  The recycled asphalt provides an excellent base course for new wearing courses and with regular maintenance, we have seen 15 to 20+ years of life out of pavements rehabilitated using this process.”

    Douglas G. Courtney, PE

    The C.W. Courtney Company and Garrett & Associates

  • “The true value of Single Pass Recycling comes into play when the streets being evaluated for paving exhibit extensive surface distress and base failure areas in excess of 20% of the overall surface area. Once we reach the 20% area threshold for partial depth and full depth repairs the recycling becomes the more cost effective repair strategy. Based on past performance of the recycling process little or no additional roadway repairs are necessary prior to paving. Another benefit of Single Pass Recycling is the ability to utilize all of the existing asphalt pavement material already in place – a proven SRV repair method for residential streets without curbs is to recycle the existing asphalt pavement then overlay the surface. This provides a couple of important benefits: the underlying layers of old asphalt, tar & chip, etc. are homogenized into a stronger roadway base and the overall pavement thickness is built up because milling is not necessary prior to paving. SRV has found that Single Pass Recycling helps to extend the life of the surface course – reflective cracking is minimized because the recycling process creates a smooth homogenous base layer prior to paving."

    Eric Haibach, PE

    CT Consultants Village Engineer For Village of South Russel, Ohio